A missing post (updated)

Update (8/27): I’ve put the original post back up.

Update (8/9): I’ve re-written this post to include a vague, non-specific explanation of the bug. I’ve now confirmed the problem with one vendor, who has asked for a week to issue a patch. So far I haven’t had a response from the DCP’s technical people. And yes, I do realize someone PasteBinned the original post while it was up.

A few people have asked what happened to the post that was in this space just a few hours ago. No, you’re not going crazy. It was here.

The post contained a long, detailed evaluation of the HDCP v2 protocol. My idea was to do real-time evaluation of an industry protocol that hasn’t been deployed yet — a kind of ‘liveblogging’ cryptanalysis. What I expected to find was some bad practices, which I would gently poke fun at. I didn’t expect to find anything serious.

I was wrong in that initial judgement, with some caveats. I’m going to give a vague and non-specific summary here, and I hope to re-post the detailed technical post in a few days when I’ve heard (something, anything!) from DCP, the organization that maintains HDCP.

In case you’ve never heard of it, HDCP is a security protocol used to ‘protect’ video traveling over wired and wireless networks. There are two versions. Version 1 is in your TV today, and was seriously compromised in 2010. Version 2 is much better, but has only been deployed in a few products — including those that implement MiraCast (formerly Wi-Fi Display).

Version 2 contains a key agreement protocol that’s designed to establish a session encryption key between a transmitter (your phone, for example) and a receiver (a TV). Once this key is established, the transmitter can encrypt all video data going over the wire.

What I discovered in my brief analysis is a flaw in the key agreement protocol that may allow a man-in-the-middle to recover the session key (actually the ‘master secret’ used to derive the session key). This could potentially allow them to decrypt content. More on that in a minute, though.

I also discovered some slightly less serious flaws elsewhere in the protocol. It turns out that the DCP already knows about those, thanks to some enterprising work by a smart guy at an unnamed vendor (who deserves credit, and will get it once I put the original post back up).

Now for a few big caveats about the session key bug.

The bug I found does not get you all the way to decrypting HDCPv2 streams in practice, thanks to a tiny additional protection I missed while writing the original post. I don’t think much of this protection, since it involves a secret that’s stored in every single HDCPv2-compliant device. That’s a pretty lousy way to keep a secret.

And of course I haven’t personally verified this in any real HDCP devices, since I don’t own any. Although if I did, I could use this nifty HDCP plugin for WireShark to do some of the work.

The issue has been confirmed by one vendor, who is working on a patch for their product. Their products are used in real things that you’ve heard of, so I’m trusting that they’d know.

The last thing I want to address is why I published this, and why I subsequently pulled it.

When I wrote the original post I thought HDCP v2 was just a ‘paper spec’ — that there were no devices actually using it. Shortly after posting, I came across one commercial product that does claim to support HDCPv2. Later I discovered a few others. To be on the safe side, I decided to pull the post until I could notify the vendors. Then through sheer ineptitude I briefly re-posted it. Now I’m doing my best to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

As soon as I get some feedback I intend to put the post back up. A post which, incidentally, was not intended to break anything, but rather to serve as a lesson in just how complicated it is to design your own protocol. I suppose it’s achieved that goal.

Anyway, I’m putting this up as a placeholder in case you’re curious about what happened or why the heck I’m not blogging. Writing a long technical post and then having to can it is a drag. But hopefully we’ll be back to our regularly-scheduled programming in no time at all.

7 thoughts on “A missing post (updated)

  1. I think you're refering to the “Protocols are hard”-post, right? I don't follow your RSS feed, but I can still see the post without a problem (or doing anything special – just surfing to your blog is enough, I'm not using any caches or anything) on the blog.

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